Available in Europe, US and Canada, with the Sensobus service we go looking for the answer to every sensory question by detecting consumer preferences close to point-of-sale. As a fully-equipped sensory analysis lab on wheels, the Sensobus can travel to any consumer shopping destination, to recruit on an intercept approach, up to 300 potential customers per day.
As complete as the Sensobus, the Sensovan is the smaller version that travels in Portugal and Spain. With the Sensovan, we can explore big and small cities and its local consumers.
In the countries our mobile tools are not available, we also have reliable partners supporting us with consumer sampling on global level.
With a standardize way of working, we can guarantee the same data validity, this enables us to have a broad sensory understanding all over the world.
Designed to find out how consumers evaluate products and shed light on their preferences, our sensory tools will bring you that one step further to help translate these preferences into business opportunities.
Contact your local Puratos representative to check about the availability of a consumers sensory solution in your country.
Active in Europe and the United States.
Drives across Iberica.
Available worldwide
Sensory Analysis allows to translate consumer wishes, perception and preferences into recipes and process specifications.
Открийте задълбочени прозрения в глобалните и местни потребителски поведения и тенденции, свързани с хлебарството, пекарството, сладкарството и шоколада.