Making the future of food a reality today

(Health-)conscious consumption, plant-based, craftmanship,… consumer behavior is constantly evolving. 

That’s why over 10 years ago, we developed our own consumer research initiative called Taste Tomorrow. We track local and global consumer behaviors, attitudes and choices, using a combination of interviews and semantic AI technology. This allows us to keep track of the evolution of trends and reveal new ones in bakery, patisserie and chocolate.

Moreover, all the data we collect is supported by our global trend-spotting network, exhaustive sensorial research, and unique partnerships with researchers, flavor houses, and universities.

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How does this help your business?

  • Be always up-to-date with the latest trends in bakery, patisserie and chocolate. On a global and local level.
  • Get a global perspective on the food industry today and predictions where it may be headed tomorrow.
  • Garner fresh insights and market knowledge from anywhere across the globe.
  • Stay connected to your customers and discover new opportunities.
You want to be up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations within your field? Request a presentation with the latest insights on the Taste Tomorrow-website.

What's hot in 2024?

Hottest bakery trends for 2024

The Taste Tomorrow trend forecast for the bakery industry based on a global consumer survey among 20,000 people in 50 countries, as well as cutting-edge AI-powered online data science.

Hottest patisserie trends for 2024

The Taste Tomorrow patisserie industry trend forecast based on insights from a global survey of 20,000 consumers in 50 countries, along with the latest AI-powered online data analysis.

Hottest chocolate trends for 2024

The Taste Tomorrow chocolate industry trend forecast based on insights from a global survey of 20,000 consumers in 50 countries, along with the latest AI-powered online data analysis.

Stay connected to your customers

Do you want fresh insights about health, convenience, experience, digital and more to stimulate innovation in the field of bakery, patisserie and chocolate? Or do you want more information on our global consumer survey? 

We are happy to help you! Fill in the contact form and we will reach out to you within the briefest delay.

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